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Instructure's Acquisition is Not What I'm Worried About

It's interesting how quickly and how slowly the world of edtech moves. I left Instructure at the beginning of 2015 to work on speech-generating software for people with disabilities. Some people tell me I shouldn't care anymore, or that I don't deserve to have an opinion anymore. That's cool, I get that, I just can't seem to stop worrying about what happens to this Little Company that Could. So here we are. There are probably, like, five of you reading this. I hope you had a pleasant week :-). Growing Up Edu I was injected with a healthy dose of edu idealism when Devlin Daley and I, fresh out of college, met with CIOs and instructional technologists from around 20 universities and community colleges, and I like to think it's done a lot to shape my mentality around technology. If nothing else, it's been incorporated into this weird mashup of I-don't-know-much and here's-how-awesome-it-should-be that realtors, contractors and consultants all sto...

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